The Diary of CNY 2009 Pt.II

The end of Part I of course following by Part II
So we'll see what's happening on the 7th til' 15th day of CNY 2009

01022009 (Day 7 of CNY)

Today everyone will call it as 'yun yat'
which mean is everyone's birthday in lunar calendar.
And today is the best day to have 'yee sang'

Before get going

This is my 3rd dish of 'yee sang' of the year

The end of the dinner.
As you can they are bunch of small kiddies and baby
among ourselves in cousins group.
So it's like hardly to have the 2nd round after that.
What i meant was 2nd round for beer cheer

Btw, we did really have 2nd round,


'open table' session's 2nd round.

Introducing my cousin baby.
If you did follow my stories,
you can see her 1st month pictures here
omg she's changing

muaxx muaxx

02022009 ( Day 8th of CNY)

Work opening day!



That's the end of Part II

The conclusion is when my working life is starting,
entertainment level will be lower down.
you wouldn't know how tiring
especially me doing marketing line..

so long until the next post


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