College Friends

Hey Peepz,
I know i know this is a very past tense post.
But somehow,

Well, i'll keep updating for the best i have from now on.
Starting with the post of meeting up with my college friends.
I think this gathered up was back in 2009.
Time flies eh..

Khai Siang x me

We called up each other after so long we haven't meet back in 2007
i believe?

Aneka Selera here it is
Mushroom Stop
alright alright

'Dong Gu Ting'

Food nicer.
we have Trinity a.k.a Bird from her colleagues.
For latest news i have,
she went off to JB to have her own family.
Alright, i was just kidding.
She went there to build her new life with her bf.
Nice life babe.

The last pic on the day.
with KuanTing's and gf as well.
This group was just quarter partial everyone.
For the rest already in KL have their working life.
It's so hard to gather up all and everyone like last time.

U know, last time was like a call or a knock on the door.
You'll get this!

i miss you guys!

I don't wanna explain why do i look like this in the photo


aiwei said…
I am still in my uni but I already miss out a lot on my friend's life especially those I am not seeing much nowadays. Cant imagine what will happen when I start working haha

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