Short Gather

1st Gather

Yesterday night just had the fun.
This morning we had another fun
The dim sum fun at Foh San

I shall say the 6th formers of Poi Lam-ians to ACS-ians joined too.

Usual faces.
(standing) Crystal x me x The China Man
(sitting) Carine x WaiYen x May x Wei Ai

The new style of photographs

This morning breakkie last for 3 hours i supposed.
We started at 9am and ended at 12pm.
Not exactly but almost.heh
We more to ya-da ya-da than eating.

2nd Gather

Station 1
jz opened for a week in Ipoh.
The Jakun people came out again.
And it's just Thursday.
U know what?
There was FULL.

Where was all this people came from?
Weekdays wor, don't need work or study meh?

Crystal x PY x me

At first still okay.
Althou' kinda noisy with people bla bla bla
but still acceptable.

Suddenly i heard guitar strings strum.
There you go!
Live stage singing!


This is the thing i hate most-lor.
A nice cafe but it got worst when the singing came.
Spoilt out mood.
We were like shouting each other when having
heart-to-heart talk.
Better still not known as heart-to-heart.


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