OSK Roadshow II @ Syuen Hotel Ipoh
This is the second time our company held this seminar again in a year.
It's at the end of the year 2009
and i'm fully in-charged for the hotel thingy.
Talk about responsible eh.
It's at the end of the year 2009
and i'm fully in-charged for the hotel thingy.
Talk about responsible eh.
The seminar held at the Syuen Hotel this time.
Been busy for 2 weeks just to get ready the quotations,
confirmed with the speakers, doing the flyers,
calling the clients who wants to attend.
So much to do.
I was just given 2 weeks. YEAH
2 weeks to get ready all this.
The day came.
Event started at 7pm.
But all the staffs reached at 5pm first to get all ready up.
Everyone was busy setting up their own booths.
Equity, Unit Trust, Wills, Futures & Asset Management.
When everything is ready including the buffet,
time a lil' allowed.
Guess What?
Camwhore time!
John Teoh joined us that night.
He was there to support a lil' la thou' he left the company early.

The event was successfully happened.
The speakers are great.
But somehow some accidents really couldn't avoid.
Where need the speakers need to face.
Pity them.
Food was finished either.
The feelings are wearily as everything done smoothly eh.
Call me superwoman.