i'm still busy

I'm starting to feel so blanko already!
Blank cuz' of many things stucked in my mind.
Who can help me clear it up??

these gals did.


Last Wed was a 1st ever Ladies Night in Sincero since its soft opening.
Ya. i know i know. Today already another week of Friday.
Can't you read my title?

I thought why not give it a try?
YES! and it's on W.E.D.N.E.S.D.A.Y night

Q: No work tomorrow?
A: Abso YES!

The place is just what's in my mind.
Well, not as classy as KL's but acceptable.
Moreover, Baileys & Heineken free flow.
Who can bare with it?

Val & I hooked up in the club but this time with 3 lil' new friends.
Not to say new but its kinda new as this is the 2nd time we hook up.

Carmen aka Orange x Me

Samantha x me

Elin x me

The gals group piz before we got knock off

Coincidental, BABERRY opening on the same day.
The gals say why not have a try.
Let's hop!

Looks familiar right?
Something like BARROOM.
When i stepped in, eh,
am i drunk step into the wrong one or what?

Place 'ma ma dei' only.
I am now putting Sincero in my 2nd top list.
Top still BARBEZA.

Am old already,
should have more peaceful life instead of bili bala atm.
For the reason i said so it's because i've knocked off myself on the day.
I vomit like no other business.
And hangover the very next day.

OUTCOME: MC @ work.
tsktsktsk. seriously bad.

For so long i've been taking alcohol,
i can't differentiate when i'm drunk and when i'm awake.

I looked darker when i'm full alcoholic.
bah..ugly enuff.

Val, shall do it again next year.


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