
Friday night, peaceful night.

The next monday is going to be
erich'ngkhoonkhoon birthday

As usual,
baby of the month will get to celebrate birthday with us in our company.

We thought over and over again about the venue.
No crowded place.
No public place.

So this is it.


They separated the soup type

and teppanyaki type

me + Kevin *my baby's clone*

Cindy Junior + Cindy Senior

Seriously the place is opened by the korean.
They don't understand chinese although they looked like one.
The are abso Korean.
Well, English might help this time.

But they are still learning what is the meaning of BBQ.
The food was so damn limited.
Can't have much for RM29.90 downstairs and
RM25.60 *if i'm not mistaken* for upstairs.

That doesnt worth at all until i saw this.

Okay, It was not what-so-ever Haagen Daaz
as long as it is ice-cream.

I am freaking ice-cream

Due to our Mr Eric birthday,
His stass junior Cindy plucked him prawns and even cooked for him.
That's ridiculous isn't it?

Guess what?
Right after the prawns cooked,
We ate all.
Left one for the fatty birthday boy.

The shop only open from 6.00pm - 10pm.
So in case you really wanna try out their food.
Do it fast with also reservation.
People are still new and almost every weekends are fully book.
I advice upstairs worth better, alright?
We are not even finish our food,
the bill come.
What can we do?

28th candles birthday cake with birthday song of course

Can you imagine how happy he is?

I gotta take some of his shots and sort it out.
That's his birthday gift from me to you.

We were succeded!!

Last but not least the group picture

and a slice of andy-hand-made cake for you



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