3 days Continuous cum Peaceful 09' Merdeka

3 days consecutive in Barbeza.
From Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

Starting with Friday:
Khian hola me asked me free or not.
See see..ng hou yeh la.
Rupa-rupa going for yum cha
so might as well Barbeza eh


Stayed for only 1 hour i guess.
As usual baby drove me here,
and Khian fetched me to meet baby somewhere.

Tomorrow the Saturday,
Jeslin text me

"Hey! I'm back!"

okay! i get what it means.
I replied

"Jom Barbeza"
i know i know i asked for it..

Fetched her and ended up we had a good night.

Tanggal tigapuluh satu
Bulan lapanlimapuluhtujuh


Another year has gone.
Here another year of Independence Day.
Time flies

This time make the invitation again, to Connie
my partner-in-dance
She agreed to join but only a few of us.
But Connie did tag along her bunch of friends.


Connie & I

Bro Loke & I

Vienna & I

Scott & I
both margarita or aka beer/cocktails lova

The 3 not so single ladies

And its time.
and i don't even realized.
Everyone still seems busy laughing and chatting
but none of us aware of the day it is


It is the day.
But how come?


Never care.
IDK, this year is such a peaceful Merdeka
Maybe it's seriously due to the H1N1 virus.
Or people are starting to feel tired?

Another time thank you for you baby.

Besides Merdeka is a special day,
today it is also a special day for my both parents.
Their 22nd anniversary.
As big as ME

I'm here to wish both of you





We just had dinner @ bungalow house Moven Peak on the eve.
And wan tan mee on the day.
Just nice n' simple eh?

The best wantan mee in town is located @ Buntong.
They had their place renovated and this is my first visit
after the renovation.

Last time this shop used to be a shop house.
The owner had their family staying behind the shop.
And we can overlook it.
If you were looking for a toilet that time,
you gotta went thru their living room of the house.

Now they had renovated into totally new shop.
Maybe they had shift to another nicer house.

Never forget to order the black n' white aka Michael Jackson.
It is suppose to be mixture of soya & herbal jelly.

Baby joined our family dinner as well.

Just in case you wanna where this wantan mee place located,
email me or drop a comment.
I'll answer you


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