Stress Off

Krave Kilkenny Night = Stress Off Day!

Today's party is for me!
oh no!
For everyone who is having stress.
I had just overcame my stress by finished my last paper for the sem.

People was thinking,
Cindy are you still studying?
For answer: YES, I fucking am!!

I'm using alot alcohol for freaking weeks.
tummy bloated.
But lovin' it for Kilkenny.
At first we wanted so much to attend Barroom on the Saturday
since all this while we were just goin' there on Saturday.
But we can't imagine how packed like a sardin sandwich in the Barroom will be.
We thought over and over again.
Kr@ve we stayed

Sam + me

Me + Young

Me + Feli

The all-the-while girls

Loke-loke + me

me + Yoong

The place was so-so only.
So we decided to enjoy ourselves by playing games
007, har-mewah (so lame), etc

But at least the place letting us able to talk to each other.
Not like Barroom.
Really HAR- MEWAH game should play.

i was so damn addicted to DSLR cam so much these days.
Not that Digicam is not enough but it is really not so enough.
I bought myself polaroid cam and Digicam.
I still left out with DSLR cam & Lomo cam.
When can i get all this?

Baby & Me in the half-way drunk mode

Brother Loke with Bags
he likes so much of camwhoring with the girls.

The guys + me

They like me so much till i can hardly breath.
I love you girls too


In the mid-time,
Young had his DSLR and John had my Lumix,
Starting with Young then John, Young again then John.
Don't get what i meant?
I meant they shooted us like a supermodel.

I guess we had more than 20 pictures did different kinda poses.
But I had chose the best 3,
I'm afraid you guy get tired of us..


John couldn't bare the drunk-ness and join ours too.


Kilkenny The Bez

Good Night


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