Dinner + BBQ = Burp!

The Three Muskeeters oopss Fathers

Been looking for today so long already.

Father's Day cum Yin Yin's big day.

YinYin is growing taller already (i know, eat rice mah)
and her face is getting naughtier like her big bro.

So we have this little dinner at Rainbow Restaurant with few families.
Just a small one as always.
I said so cuz' some even are even bigger with few more tables of families.

HUGE tho'

When dinner started,
we were not concentrating on food but YinYin
She is just too cute for us to hug around.

Dad & YinYin

Me <3 YinYin

The Chocolate & Vanilla

our some sorta HUGE cousins group.
Alot still left out, but this already consider good.

Nice dinner i like!


Move on with 2nd round,
i gotta left baby after the dinner since i got another round to move.


Christine's bf fetch me after the dinner to Avi's house.
This BBQ was decide over and over again.
Supposed to be Py's house then Avi then Py again.
Due to the condolences of PY's grandpa,

Avi's house.

First of all,


Started up with some Gossips.
Nothing else but just gossips.
Girls are just can't get enough of that.

Do you see?
We even split into 2 groups.

Randomly Group Piz1

After song Group pic 2

Sook Min + Me

PY + Me

Tzy + Me

Since time is running out,
Some b'day girls needed to leave,
we hurried our progress by all those presentation gifts, eat cakes,


After gifts Group Piz 3

Still not enough
2nd take of Group Piz 4

And lastly Group Piz 5

Mei Yenn & Cheh Shing were late.
Didn't get to display the photo.


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