Kenny's Wedding Day

Sunday dinner is not a good idea at all.
There'll be no second round cuz'
next morning will be "non-labour day".

Kenny's wedding was supposedly held last year today.
But who knows marriage should actually arranged proabably 1 year earlier.
baby, by 2011 we must get ready already.

he'll get nervous,man

Results, all restaurant was fully-booked last year.
End up, this year today

It was in Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant opposite The Store, Jln Kampar

I was very excited about the wedding dinner.
In my brain, i thought my last wedding dinner of my friend was few years back.
A friend's sister wedding.
I refreshed, i bought a iron for her.
But this time i need to pay as in I already grow.


Before the dinner started,

I have some description for our girls side,

We are camwhore
We are gamble-whore
We are dance-whore
We are club-whore
We are drink-whore
we are play-whore

What else you wanna name us?

Felicia + Phoebe + Connie (partner-in-dance) + Cindy Tan + Cyeen

Everyone was still in the condition of awake.
Not so fast yet.
Haven't you notice, the table is still the chinese tea

The bridegroom with the girls

Next, there we are.

Frankly, that night there were 3 glasses placed in front of me.

Chinese Tea

What do you want?

The guys were so desperate to take photos with the girls so much.
Others than us, I find no reasons that we are not the prettiest.
irk.syok sendiri scene again

Did you see?
Like all the guys taking turn to have a snap with us.
Instead of we sitting down,
The guys suggest why not they were the one who sitting down.
Majority comes first, don't you agree?


Idk what happened to the last guy.
Perhaps, the girls were not so interested most probably.


The trend for chinese wedding dinner,
the bride and the bridegroom have to walk around the seats in the mid of the session
to kampai with the guests that arrived.
Here the bride & bridegroom with us...

The ending dinner for that night,
we girls or maybe we can say the guests can't get enough of the food,
they even took the balloons to give their kids.


what else?

People were like all leaving already to downstairs.
But still have never-ending pose.

Never-ending again...

Bye everyone..
Tomorrow the Monday blues
See ya!


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