Still Chinese New Year

I'm still doin' the CNY posting.
The CNY is too long and full of entertainment.
That's make my post delayed for so long already.
Well, these few post will also be updating about my level of entertainment
because i've been packed with programs.

So deal with it.

I'll try to write more about general things than happened.
I know you guys are getting bored.


Since my big day is coming,
well, glad to say already here if you look at the lunar calendar.
It falls on the 12th day of CNY.


those who are banana perhaps you can ask your mom.
Or maybe your mom is also a banana,
then you havta ask GOD

So again with liquor.
Boss brought it over to let us hang over again.
I kinda desperate for liquor.
I can't count for how long i never touch him already.

sob sob

So it's all about the pre-birthday post.
We They decided to celebrate one-time-go birthday celebration
for 3 persons in a month.
Coincidentally, I have this colleague,
Andy has the same birthday as mine.

How tragic wonderful!!


i looked so great
Me, Andy, Tracy

Tracy's birthday falls on the day after Valentine's
How come your mummy don't born you faster?
Then i can call you the Valentine


Thanks for the day coll!
Will appreciate it very much!


The next day we have another company lunch.
oh gosh..
i feel so bloated with foods.

Day before not really digested,
today again food coming in.
God treats us so GOOD.


I like this one

The 4th or last dish of 'yee sang' of the year

Since today still the CNY,
everyone finished the lunch quite early
and ready to left to John's house for
'open table' for the last time.

Everyone was quite happy for the winning
since John was the dealer.

ngek ngek

CNY going to end soon.
Gotta work hard.
New year New target!!


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