Back to Before the CNY of 2009
All the lapuk-ed lapuk-ed stories are now here.
sorry for the abandoned blog.
Never been have the time to write.
Was really busy with working stuff arrhghhh....
and time is too pack-lar...
okay..I'll pretend i'm writing this blog on the day.
I'm just too lazy for the past tense past tense.
Chinese New Year is coming again.
Every year so suffer just to wait the day to reach.
So we are ready to prepare for decorating or office.
All the blossoms flower, lighting, red packets (to cut n' fold the fishes and lantern)
Even my boss got us the branch on the street. cool eh?

We also thought traditionally that we should put on a CNY dinner.
So we decided to have it in East Ocean Restaurant, Menglembu
As everyone also a kaki drinker.
You can't imagine everytime we have dinner how many
liquor boss will bring.
Baileys - One of my fav!
Group picture before the ending
We also thought traditionally that we should put on a CNY dinner.
So we decided to have it in East Ocean Restaurant, Menglembu
As everyone also a kaki drinker.
You can't imagine everytime we have dinner how many
liquor boss will bring.
Before the dishes came, camwhore sin
You wouldn't know how much we could drink.
but you can starting to judge from their faces.
Not mine
Cuz' my face all-time sama.
People always thought i never had enough of drinks..