X'mas Eve cum May's Birthday in Advance
If you have read the previous post,
I have post up few Christmas Tree deco pictures taken from Singapore
So we knew that every year Christmas Eve we need to have turkey as our dinner to celebrate the
Christmas Day!
But since last 2 years i once had my turkey dinner with family @ Precious Time which that was my first and last time. I had a very bad allergy day after.
Tot' back, it was kinda funny thou'.
That's not funny. That's damn suck and i had the worst Christmas ever that year..
Well, here's how i celebrate my Christmas Eve this year.
Me and baby at first thought of goin' SSTC to have our very first time dinner.
first of all, i saw the price was *gulp*
Secondly, the waitresses were all blind. i guess u know what i mean.
After few minutes, we *cough* the waitress only move forward to us.
Me & baby stunned! I heard the food at the place is nice. But damn!! the service is too bad.
We agreed to prefer Brewster. But not at this time. So we moved to Friends Cafe
Everywhere were like full of people. Scaring.
Actually we suppose to reach Sincero by 9pm.
But couldn't cuz' we reached Friends Cafe already 9pm.

The food was OK-lah
So we reached Sincero at almost 10.15pm
Together with Jeslin
And i saw Valerie my girl
And Karen

The atmosphere was very packed, smokey, stuffed and HOT!
When it comes to event, Sincero is always the first choice for people to come over.
When i enter the club, i was like..oh my gosh! since when i've been here before?
Why no changes one?
We ordered 2 bottles on the table.
I only able to have SOME sips of it.
I poured like so lil' into the glass cuz' i knew it was so damn limited.
There were like 12 people will need to drink it.
At the same time i poured once, second
U see???!!!! It was finished.
As you can see from the pictures, there were 8 ladies and only 4 guys.
how could the liquor finished so damn fast?
And i saw someone already hangover there.
u know what i meant!
Happy Birthday May!! U are actually legal!!
The drinks were actually finished before the countdown.
After a while, I saw my colleagues, they joint me the table.
Samantha, Connie, Me, Esther (Kampar)
I ended with no feeling at all.
But i went home with lots of happiness in my head.
Thanks fella friends.
We'll have our next time!
I have post up few Christmas Tree deco pictures taken from Singapore
So we knew that every year Christmas Eve we need to have turkey as our dinner to celebrate the
Christmas Day!
But since last 2 years i once had my turkey dinner with family @ Precious Time which that was my first and last time. I had a very bad allergy day after.
Tot' back, it was kinda funny thou'.
That's not funny. That's damn suck and i had the worst Christmas ever that year..
Well, here's how i celebrate my Christmas Eve this year.
Me and baby at first thought of goin' SSTC to have our very first time dinner.
first of all, i saw the price was *gulp*
Secondly, the waitresses were all blind. i guess u know what i mean.
After few minutes, we *cough* the waitress only move forward to us.
Waitress : Did u make any booking??
Baby : No!
Waitress : Oh! Since don't have you must AT LEAST WAIT 30 MINUTES OR MORE!
Me : Can i have a look at the menu?
Waitress :*walked to the counter try to get the menu* This is only what we got and the fastest we can get
Baby : No!
Waitress : Oh! Since don't have you must AT LEAST WAIT 30 MINUTES OR MORE!
Me : Can i have a look at the menu?
Waitress :*walked to the counter try to get the menu* This is only what we got and the fastest we can get
Me & baby stunned! I heard the food at the place is nice. But damn!! the service is too bad.
We agreed to prefer Brewster. But not at this time. So we moved to Friends Cafe
Actually we suppose to reach Sincero by 9pm.
But couldn't cuz' we reached Friends Cafe already 9pm.
The atmosphere was very packed, smokey, stuffed and HOT!
When it comes to event, Sincero is always the first choice for people to come over.
When i enter the club, i was like..oh my gosh! since when i've been here before?
Why no changes one?
We ordered 2 bottles on the table.
I only able to have SOME sips of it.
I poured like so lil' into the glass cuz' i knew it was so damn limited.
There were like 12 people will need to drink it.
At the same time i poured once, second
U see???!!!! It was finished.
As you can see from the pictures, there were 8 ladies and only 4 guys.
how could the liquor finished so damn fast?
And i saw someone already hangover there.
u know what i meant!
After a while, I saw my colleagues, they joint me the table.
I ended with no feeling at all.
Thanks fella friends.
We'll have our next time!