Tiring Messed Day

Took Emergency Leave yesterday from company
due to all my self-documents have to reapply.

fucker indian!!!
*thanks to you*

8.30am we started our destination to
Perak Registration Centre in Jelapang for me n baby's

Identification Card (I.C)

That was extremely fast!
The next number was me.
And everything done with the picture-ing in only took 15 minutes
I guess....
Ain't it fast and surprised everyone in Malaysia?
Malaysia boleh btw.
I finished with the only paper temporarily I.C
Baby's was done earlier but didn't get to claim.
So now his got stolen, this is it..

License application from JPJ, Simee
Same thing happened.
one word describe,


or is it because too early for everyone to get up and do the application??
another 20 minutes.

We didn't get to eat breakfast earlier because scared
it was crowded everywhere during the process,
but everything was surprised me

in fact,

Most important settled,
comes to the not-so-important.

My number.

Phew! almost lunch time,
there you go,
lucky i only needed to wait 5 min for my turn.
and then
thanks a lot and it's F.O.C

You guys outthere can get to call me again.

It was kinda tiring man.
Day before i got to drop down a list what should I apply before I will forget.

It's bank ATM application time!
man, this is very suck!I know this gonna be suck.

Went RHB Bank due to the nearest after DiGi
It's lunch time, I expected to wait.
So their system was down i think
That's i needed to queue up for my turn.
My turn!yay!
And the fella turned me down.

I got robbed,
obviously my I.C gonna be only temporarily.

Me: wish to apply for lost card
Banker: I.C please!
Me: *showing the paper temporarily I.C*
Banker: I'm sorry, but this will not do
Me: HAR??What do you mean??
Banker: We need the ori I.C to proceed.
Me:*WTH face showing with frustration*
Banker: I'm sorry but this is our policy
Me: All my money is in inside,
and you telling me i can't have the ATM card?
How can i withdraw money?
Banker: You have to withdraw it manually
Me: *more frustration* That will be so troublesome.
How about weekends i wanna withdraw but the bank is closed?
Banker: Can't do anything cuz' this is policy

Fucked up!Absolutely so fucked up!
And i need to wait my ORI I.C finished to apply their ATM card
which is


Went off with frustration!!

Then went to Alliance Bank for baby's application.
Everything was fine! no charges! no anything!
Just need to wait.
They only asked for police report, I.C
(okay! he has ORI ones,
but the banker said even the temporarily I.C it's okay
cuz' we got robbed!) and wait.

Since we needed to back to the bank branch where we used to
open the account, we need some traveling.

Public Bank, Ipoh Padang
Maybank, Menglembu
Ambank, Menglembu
CIMB Bank, Menglembu


all the ATM cards were successfully applied


RHB Bank!

The others bank were only need some self- documents to prove
which are Birth-cert or License.



That's all.

Everyone get the information from here if you ever


lost any of your ATM bank card.

Then we headed back to Jusco since it's only 5pm.
We watched High School Musical3
*watch the trailer------------------->*

Hey, I think noone will like the musical stories as much as I do.

Baby doesn't like to watch those but gotta accompany me.
Such a cute baby.
ngek ngek.

Like the movie much.
Enjoy yourself too, you should!

Waiting for Daniel Craig's
Quantom of Solace.

Lastly, thanks baby for travelled me around the Ipoh today!
He should be very tired by now.

*starting to have none pictures blog til' i get a new one*


Anonymous said…
bet u got ure man at the salvation army event eh?
Cindy Liew said…
oh someone is trying to be so depressed cuz some of the news related to his/hers race.ohh...so sad... and some ppl are so over-react over the things that had happened and can't face it...HOW TRAGIC!!! hey..whatever i sed seems don't related to ALL INDIANS..hahaha...some ppl are just being so over-react....

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