My 05102008final day

Woke up at 9am

i know i know,
this phrase is bored.
but just to show the life i'm having in KL

By the time we ready and reached The Gardens
is the time to have our brunch.

I don't really fancy this mall,
cuz' the building structure was not attractive at all

but it has Coach & Lacoste
that's the one which attracted me that day

The Gardens

Big Cousin brought us to this Taiwanese Restaurant to had our meal.
When we reached,
the waitress said they were not open yet.
So we wait wait & wait

Fong Lye Taiwan Restaurant

While waiting sure bit camwhore-lor

Me & Angel

Around 15 min we allowed to go in the restaurant.
the place was not bad.
Especially the lights


Fong Lye Taiwan Restaurant


Menu is not limited at all, they have a lot 'set-food'.
Big cousin intro me Spicy & Sour Fillet Rice set.

Spicy & Sour Fillet Rice set

The set was so so so big til i can't really finish 'em.
But it was so damn tasty when especially you are hungry.
we tasted each other dishes since we had ordered difference one

Apple Milk & Orange Yogurt

Was very busy with the
eating & laughing cuz' of the jokes made by aunt.
Wendy fall sick.pity her.look so pale.
Plus The Gardens is so freaking cold

After the meal sure comes with dessert
don't you?

Galatissimo - flavor:Raspberry & Green Tea

My life is full of colors at that moment

It's time so go home.
Ipoh, here i come!



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