Damn That Fucker Indian

I just got robbed 4 hours ago.

my purse!!!
my handphone!!!
my CK perfume
My RayBan specs!!!
My Titus specs
My company card
My mirror
My make-up foundation
My none battery Titus watch
My SONY T-album!!!
My Contact Lens case
My Tissue

and my especially



Please don't contact my number at the moment.
Will let you guys know after i claim my number back.

so sad..

curse that

bloody fucker moron idiot pokai lan jiao indian thieves


Ah Eva Eva said…
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! curse him!!!!!1
Cindy Liew said…
oh someone is trying to be so depressed cuz some of the news related to his/hers race.ohh...so sad... and some ppl are so over-react over the things that had happened and can't face it...HOW TRAGIC!!!
Anonymous said…
First of all, thanks for the apology for do not understand my english. i need to clarify my english is poor, n i duno y i need to learn english fluently. Now i'm telling u(the person who is so sked being known, the 'anonymous') so i call u fucker indian, the title is only special for u n i do respect others indian very much. As cindy mentioned on her blog, fucker indian mean the robber but not others indian. Anyway, if u r not satisfy so much just drop me a call. What indian man rape you so ur brains work, fuck u la!
my phone number is 012-5307710, just call me!
Anonymous said…
please refrain from racist remarks.
Anonymous said…
Hey- totally different person here. Someone posted this blog and I do kinda take this blog as being pretty offensive and it doesn't matter who I am or what, but what the hell. Are you seriously going to judge Indians just because you got robbed? Oh my, maybe I should start being a sexist whenever a gal does any mishap on to me. However, not like it matters, but just say "some mofo dude robbed me" would be simple. Don't have to categorize the mofo by calling him an Indian. And as goes to the guy who said to rape you and etc...well, he's just plain dumb and was talking in anger. Look, I don't condemn race, I look everybody as the same. This generation, skin colour doesn't mean two fucks anymore. Whatever it is, just saying you seem pretty downright racist and lets not forget...SHALLOW!
Cindy Liew said…
what i always said is just for the indians who did the things which committed to crime..and please i do have lots indian frens, does it mean i'm talking about them too. you ppl are being too sensitive.if you wanna care so much and wanna argue here. FINE! up to you guys.how i wanna judge is my case. my own blog.u can stop visiting my blog to see some offensive words that written. and thanks for having the time for visit my blog to leave some comments.much appreciated
Anonymous said…
well..im another person, not dat indian anonymous fella who claim to rape u...juz a frenly msg, i actuali think ur post is abit *rude* for a gal..i understand dat u're angry and pissed off coz u juz got robbed but those words like *lan jiao*, dun u think its a bit inappropriate in ur blog. Ppl might judge u in a different way bcoz of ur blog. Im a gal too and im sure u wouldn't want other ppl to think dat u're rude and uncivilized do u? neway, dis is ur blog, u can write anything but its not worth it as it invites moron like dat anonymous to come and spill bad words on u rite?


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