Our 030908 @ Brewster's

It has arrived!
Sharp 8pm baby fetched me from my house and ready for our special

@ Brewster's Restaurant
just nearby opposite Ipoh Padang Besar's shoplots
The wall inside the house.

I bet they save up a lot doing the
renovations & designing

Place is small.
Environment is just nice.
Like those ang moh's bar?


Baby waiting excitedly

Me too.hehe(How come my head looks bigger than the body??)

Why do always nice restaurant
menu is just limited?

Cheesie mushroom

Baby's Pork(I forgot the name)

Mine Rosemary Chicken serves with wine

After the food,
we serves ourselves wine.

taste good.
We exchanged pressie and have some chat
before the leave

His & mine

It was raining heavily wei..
wear so nice ended up
So wet.

At 10pm, we headed JJ for our movie


Some people might think,
2 years only-ma, what so special?

But for me,
Everyday that happened between
You & Me


because without U, I am nothing


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