One Day Trip To Butterworth & Penang

Sorry for all this while overdue stories
I really did the update just couldn't have the time to rearrange everything and post it up


okay if you did follow my stories,
i told you about the a day earlier 中秋节
right right right???

It was because on the real day of 中秋节 my aunt was having a
house warming cum 中秋节 celebration

And that time i was busy catching up couzies
So no pictures

Well well well

This week is pretty busy for me to update everything i'm going through

My Schedule

Monday - Interview after work
Tuesday - Interview at Butterworth (stories come later)
Wednesday - Catching up with some Buds
Thursday - Going for a Delloitte KassimChan Tax Services Seminar
Friday - Going Penang again for Shell Seminar

i know i know
I'm a busy woman.


Woke up at 8am and waking up baby for the journey of the day


Is morning always a blur time for human??
We used the Simpang Pulai's toll to go Penang
I know is a NONO problem.
But why didn't I use Jelapang toll??

Baby kept saying
why-la why-la?
He also blur that time.

Reached Butterworth at around 1pm
searching the place for almost an hour
I supposed has the interview at 2pm
We've made it

After the interview,

both nodding

Maha Bahagia

For only 9 months i never been here, the Penang Bridge
has the *look up the highest top*

on the way


Our mission:
Queensbay Mall

walked for almost 5 hours
bought 3 stuffs

Jom Balik!

Oh about the interview stuff?
What d'y'all think?

more things to do next


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