Overdue Stories-
12th July 2008
And the kids nowadays are so blessed.
The place even provided for them to have their sweet sweet time and those who interested in fishing
(the lake really has fishes kay??)
my used to college friends. wengloon & siongkee(camera) LOL.
After the 20 minutes of under the sun burning and
after 1 hour of pictures snapping and meeting old old friends,
the insider said that the auditorium will be closing
the people starting to leave the place.
Next station,
MyFC formerly known as KLG.I didn't know they can survive til' now.
I think the one and only survived this long.
I decided to 'ponteng' my working hours today after the long night thinking.
ngek ngek
This morning i was ready to have my journey to Kampar the HEAVENLY place
My baby fetched me there and had our morning breakfast at
I really gotta remember that place where we used to had our breakfast
(not before the 1st class, but after the first class at 10am)
or dinner when we were in schooling times.
Saw bunch of teen-agers
(when i'm now already no longer one)
After the meal,
baby head to look for his friend who is going to have her big day today
But since the speech speech speech thingy not yet finish,
we decided to have a 吹吹风 around Kampar area.
We happened to enter UTAR!
The guard was over concious
Baby: Boleh kita masuk? (Can we enter?)
Guard: Boleh!(Can!) Tapi(But) no camera, no out-of-this-car-visit, no touching the place.
If anyone of us saw you doing this, you are in serious offense.
We: OK! OK!
Anyhoo, I just couldn't resist to take out my camera to take pictures of this place.
Sharing is good.tee-hee...
ngek ngek
This morning i was ready to have my journey to Kampar the HEAVENLY place
My baby fetched me there and had our morning breakfast at
I really gotta remember that place where we used to had our breakfast
(not before the 1st class, but after the first class at 10am)
or dinner when we were in schooling times.
Saw bunch of teen-agers
(when i'm now already no longer one)

After the meal,
baby head to look for his friend who is going to have her big day today
But since the speech speech speech thingy not yet finish,
we decided to have a 吹吹风 around Kampar area.
We happened to enter UTAR!
The guard was over concious
Baby: Boleh kita masuk? (Can we enter?)
Guard: Boleh!(Can!) Tapi(But) no camera, no out-of-this-car-visit, no touching the place.
If anyone of us saw you doing this, you are in serious offense.
We: OK! OK!
Anyhoo, I just couldn't resist to take out my camera to take pictures of this place.
Sharing is good.tee-hee...
The place even provided for them to have their sweet sweet time and those who interested in fishing
(the lake really has fishes kay??)
End of envy-ing for comparing my those days.
End of envy-ing for comparing my those days.
So the bla-bla-bla over already.
And they received their blue cylinder from the 'big guy'.
They are like those animals in the zoo that can't wait to come out from the bars.
Parents are so proud to be inhere to attend their kids CONVO.
sharing the tears with laughter
(i saw lots uncles & aunties laughed til' their gigi dropped)
And they received their blue cylinder from the 'big guy'.
They are like those animals in the zoo that can't wait to come out from the bars.
Parents are so proud to be inhere to attend their kids CONVO.
sharing the tears with laughter
(i saw lots uncles & aunties laughed til' their gigi dropped)
After the 20 minutes of under the sun burning and
after 1 hour of pictures snapping and meeting old old friends,
the insider said that the auditorium will be closing
the people starting to leave the place.
Next station,
I think the one and only survived this long.
I still remember when I was in secondary school(MGS),
my friends used to join St. John as their 'unit badan beruniform'(uniform unit).
When the time comes(Flag Day),
they will chase after you to buy the RM2 car sticker.
Miss those times very much XD
my friends used to join St. John as their 'unit badan beruniform'(uniform unit).
When the time comes(Flag Day),
they will chase after you to buy the RM2 car sticker.
Miss those times very much XD