The Journey To The Center of The Earth

Today's post is not about the movie,
is a bout a stupid dumb dumb woman.

Yes you know?
When everyone is sitting in a nice cinema,
waiting for an exciting movie,
chewing on popcorn,
sipping their drinks,
laughing all the way together.

But there's the only woman
who only likes to scream and
"I'm scared, it's frightening"

in a stupid dumb dumb
LOUD voice
and kicking your seat

is distracting and annoying!!!


I feel like slapping her!!



Angel Wong said…
scary meh? frightening meh?
siao la she..
Cindy Liew said…
yala..siao siao dei..u know the part the big eye sharp teeth ugly fish suddenly in up-close scene?damn..she screamed and kicked my seat

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