Happy Birthday Darlingg
Yesterday night was a special one.
We didn't really celebrate the eve at outside,
but we celebrated the day in his room.
We were just thought of havin' a silent night for both of us.
Started with movie:Ah Long Pte. Ltd.
Then, Lin Peh brought the cake from the refri downstairs.
*ahem* faking and off the lights *tak*
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to Darlinngg,
Happy Birthday to You.
Multiple Choices Cake
A pressie just for You
Next day,
i pakat-ed with babe's friends to have a small gathering.
It was in E-box karaoke.
Didn't really sing but quite fun thou' with pictures taking.
Night time, Sincero(Ipoh Garden)
but we celebrated the day in his room.

Started with movie:Ah Long Pte. Ltd.

*ahem* faking and off the lights *tak*
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to Darlinngg,
Happy Birthday to You.
Next day,
i pakat-ed with babe's friends to have a small gathering.
It was in E-box karaoke.
Didn't really sing but quite fun thou' with pictures taking.