workz life..

Since i'm getting on my nerves during the working time plus my blog is lacking.geezz
So,here I'm to intro my workplace.
It's a small place thou'.
So don't expect some offices that full of employees cuz' this included me only
5 humantarians.

Ma place.

U can see how messy is that.

Everyday is like every minute i can't breathe.

Cuz' what?

U can see my table how bunch of papers are that.

Everyday is like my table is very the clean n neat when the time i OFF from my work,

BUT, every morning the 8.30am, my table will become like what u see above.


See the DIFF??

Every morning starts, this is how I look kay?
Darn! Darn pale and shyt! EYE BAG!!
And then, starts afternoon or maybe after lunch...this is how i look---------------- (okay the broken arrow)

Last thang,
the Tee i design geh..
ngek ngek xD


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