On Vacation
Couldn't help it to enter the mall.
The place had been spoilt by the human around here. Why on earth people like to throw all the things on the place since the place had been provided with rubbish bin. Such a beautiful scene but cuz of one lil teared & used tissue paper threw in between the rocks, everything just so spoilt..ngah!!
This is the zone that we've been turning round n round n round. until the 5th floor central zone we were.hehe. The carparks wereso empty cuz' that time was just only 9.30am. To prevent we forgot where we park our car, i decided to capture the above pics. lol.
Been walking round n round n round the shopping looking for the shoes i wanted. Alas, i saw the one i wanteD!(sowee, lazy to capture the pic, but u can see the plastic bag which in RED!)
2nd round the shop being entered by Liz to catch her fav shoes. Ended, failed!
We almost finish the whole mall by using 7 hours plus by we finish our shopping list either. That's so hard man. Wanna look for the items? Next blog.