Happy Chinese Valentines

Today such a beautiful day.HAHA..
Today already 27th but i'm now only updating about a week ago stuff.

On the 15th day of the lunar calendar(21.02.2008) is a Chinese Valentine's Day.
Everyone will head to the Chinese temple.
The gurls will think of throwing the mandarin (a china chinese orangee) in to the river while the guys will stand along the riverbank to catch the mandarin using their hands or net.
This kinda traditional already since the old old times til' now.
Since the temple is so happening, i also thought of heading to the temple to see
whether i can find my mandarina orangee partner.LOL
Was traffic jam at night.
All the cars and humans are all along the road like there're
something free infront there.

The first legs i stepped at the entrance i saw this..

I was like what was that? *wondering a while*Hey, I went here before. It is a wishing tree.

Everyone buy the some kind of paper in RED with the mandarina tie with it.

After that, they are holding the thingy with the eyes close in front of the wishing tree. Seems they have a faithful heart to make the wish. Some said it really does came true.

Some said No-Lah.

Anyhow, the tree is really in sparkling RED in color.Nice one!

Then we move on where all the people heading.(sowee, no pictures! cuz all the people keep on langgaring me. Sked my phone will drop btw)
Then i saw many guys n gurls standing along the 'riverbank'

I was like WHAT???!!!!

This is the riverbank??

alamak! But i still see no mandarina orangee.

Few minutes later, I went back home, cuz baby said i bluffed him for coming.

Then ntg to see. =(


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