Happy Birthday To ME!
Happy Birthday To me,
Happy Birthday To me!
Not really sure whether is my wish come true anot,
but for sure i was very happy that night.
As usual, Sincero Riverbank AGAIN!
Was beg to go cuz' i reali don wan too.
But since the 'faces' given...ngek ngek ngek..that's here. =)
There u go, my super tasty sweet SR raspberry cheezie cake (yum!yum!)
bought 'suprisingly' from my baby that night.
Thanks for that baby, LOVE lotz
Yay! A happy one, Steven was beside me SS-ing while we were singing
Again, SS-ing pics from Steven (as info given, he actuli drunk) lol
Again, as usual after the same ol' song comes with potong cake.
With the perfect 'sweet' smile eh?
He he..Sweet~
That night was reali happening,
Thanks baby for all the thang. muaCkZ
Potong n cake sharing. Everyone was not shy that nite. hm...
N the cake was finished.darn..i only ate one piece.. ='
I felt so in love wif my baby
He pampered me like no other business
He's my only one x3
And And And he did not forget about my pressie.
My all most fav fragrance from CK-Euphoria Blossom.
Aww~ so lovely.. x3
I couldn't let myself finish the fragrance
cuz' I LOVE it bunch like I LOVE my baby.

happy belated birthday..sorry for not wishing you earlier..been busy and all.happy turning 21 and im still 2o..sad gila..lol..